Our Vision:

We envision a vibrant society that actively cultivates collective liberation, ensuring all historically oppressed communities have the necessary resources, autonomy, and full capacities to thrive.

Teal arrow directing reader from vision statement to mission statement.

Our Mission:

The Scherman Foundation invests in the economic, political, and cultural transformation necessary for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to reclaim and build power.


Our framework for change:


Political Transformation

Building intersectional racial justice movements.

  • Increased power and movement-building towards racial justice.

  • Increased access, participation, and accountability in democratic processes through organizing and policy change.

  • BIPOC communities are leading and directing change. Their leadership is seen, valued, and fully supported and resourced.

Economic Transformation

Building equitably resourced communities.

  • Increased access to capital for BIPOC communities.

  • Increased economic stability and security for BIPOC communities.

  • Increased economic equity, accessibility, and transparency through policy and systemic change.

Cultural Transformation

Elevating voices, stories, and perspectives of BIPOC artists and communities.

  • Self and community artistic expression provide the foundation for building movements, shared language, and understanding.

  • People most harmed by oppression are able to tell their own stories with agency, and they are seen, valued, and fully supported and resourced.

  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color reimagine systems and a transformed world through collective power.